PrinceCon XLVI - Le Petit PrinceCon

The Firmament is a collection of small worlds, seen as glittering stars in the sky. This is everything that is. Once connected in grand constellations of trade and culture, the rise of apathy, greed, and hatred has broken these links. Despite the prophecies of astrologers and the warnings of astronomers, the final link has been broken, summoning The Maw in the center of the sky. If nothing is done, The Maw will grow and grow and grow, drawing worlds into its emptiness, never to escape.

The SGU is excited to announce that PrinceCon 46 will take place on March 10-12, 2023.

Julis Romo Rabinowitz building (Louis A. Simpson Atrium), Princeton University (see the Campus Map and look on the corner of Washington Rd and William St)

Parking is in Lot 10, across William St from the Rabinowitz building

Register here! (note for Princeton students only: be sure to log in to the ticketing site first)

About the convention

The Simulation Games Union’s annual convention is a 46-hour marathon of tabletop roleplaying in a shared world, centered around a common goal. PrinceCon uses the D&D 5th Edition core rules, while incorporating ideas for convention play developed over the years by the SGU. Awards are given for Strategic, Tactical and Role Playing excellence.

To learn more about what PrinceCon is, visit the Welcome page. For more on this year’s shared world theme, see the Theme Teasers below. Players and newcomers are invited to join the discussion on Google Groups and Facebook. We will post updates as the theme develops.

Join us on Google Groups - Join us on Facebook


The SGU is committed to providing a safe environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Harassment or unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, visual, or in any other form, is strictly prohibited, according to the PrinceCon Code of Conduct.

PrinceCon 46 Downloads


The PrinceCon 46 Con Book is available on the Con Books page! It describes the theme, the PC creation process, and the custom rules for this year’s con.

For our main rules, we will use the D&D 5th edition Player’s Handbook. We recommend you buy your own from Amazon or your Friendly Local Game Store.

Theme Teasers

Teaser #1

The Notes of Saint Silgo the Astronomer

“1042, 9th of winter: The hole in the sky is growing. My telescope is no longer needed, and everyone knows. I project one year until our home is engulfed. The Astrologer, Cassie, refuses to accept our fate.”

“1043, 5th of spring: Cassie’s half-baked suggestions bear fruit. Somehow. Barn-raisings, lover’s day, and other holidays she officiates do show a marked reduction in the size of the Maw. With my encouragement, we’ve found an exceptional three marriages this summer!”

“1044, 19th of summer: Hope dwindles this year. The strongest correlation in my data is still sacrifice; festivals have little effect. When Philippa Decky drowned saving our schoolwagon of children, the Maw shuddered and shrank by almost five degrees. Everyone saw. What am I to say?”

“1044, 1st of fall: I know what I must do. Kolibra, please, continue my work.”

The “little worlds” of our cosmos were once joined together, world-heart to world-heart, but these constellary links have been disappearing. The first public meeting of the Panstellar Astromantic Assembly has been called, and all who would help solve this problem are welcome to attend!

Teaser #2

THE MAW has torn open the sky. The storybook worlds of The Firmament have grown distant and dark. Hearts opened to THE MAW shiver with decrepit power, warping minds and worlds around them. Each feeds THE MAW ABOVE, growing with lurching gulps as the closest worlds fall into its gnashing corona. It won’t be long until all bright worlds have disappeared, leaving only the inky blue Aether and THE MAW.

Far from the center of The Firmament, Beverly the space whale gently orbits the paired worlds of the Twin Sisters: Nomos and Logia. This ancient cetacean carries a city on her back, home to visitors and immigrants from the many worlds of her wandering journey. Here, generations of Astronomers, Astrologers, and the Free Citizens of Beverly have watched with horror as constellations flicker and fade above.

You are amongst the number of them who say “No longer!” The guttering bond between Nomos and Logia is now the last glowing beam in a sky once brilliant with connection. If someone is to save these worlds, this is the last chance to do it. Join the Panstellar Astromantic Assembly, venture to the troubled worlds our kin, and rekindle their light!

PrinceCon 46 Summaries & Run Recaps:


Master of Hireling Hall:

Tim DiCapio

Best Player:

Grant MacWilliam

Runner Up:

Christina Kim


Gabriel Higbee

Runner Up:

Jamie Howe


Bob Cook

Runner Up:

Kelly West


Weston Ford

Runner Up:

Joe Appel